mandag 30. juni 2008

Kate, the only moss in our woods!

photosession anyone?

la & al

søndag 29. juni 2008

Somebody bang me, please!

This perticular photo, of this perticular girl, makes me wanna get a perticular set of bangs. Aah. Uber cute!

Then again, i think not. Bangs just would'nt do me any justice.
I reckon. ?!

Anyways, it's not important. Cause today, i had a rather short yet extremely nice and long awaited conversation with someone, somewhere in some time.
I like starting it off with the weather.

Life, I am really into you right now.


lørdag 28. juni 2008


You got a problem with that?

Teenage mutant ninja turtles

Pizza on lock! Chillin' with my wonderful friends.

Yea.. We eat a lot


I know that distance is a factor, but i stretch as often as i can, my goal is to reach your hand anyday now.


fredag 27. juni 2008

Okay, this has to be done

As some of you know, Ags is a big jabbawockeez fan, and when she stumbled over these flicks, she lost it. Hella! No wonder, with these pictures combining two of her passions in life, cute boys and fresh street apparel, haha. Enjoy ladies and for the gentlemen; take notes!

Pictures taken for XXL.


Isn't this pretty?

By Jeremyville.

tirsdag 24. juni 2008

søndag 22. juni 2008

Taste the happy, it kind of tastes like sad.

You left me with nothing to say.
That's all i can say.


lørdag 21. juni 2008


I want a boyfriend. A genuinely nice boy. With common dreams. And nice hands. Someone who makes me forget time.


fantastic fucking.

I heat it up like a toaster, boy bring your body over, i know what to do, lay it down put that zoom zoom on you, you tryna play it cool, you know you want it true like a baby do, come on, boy im through with you, get your shoes on cause im using you.

fredag 20. juni 2008

Everybody winds up kissing the wrong person goodnight.

Looking back in retrospect, your kiss felt more than a goodbye. Maybe we are forever bound to retain that certain curiosity that links us together. I find that most things are covered in layers of multi-layers. Nothing is ever that simple. And when it is, it's usually never worth the effort.

Good night star.


torsdag 19. juni 2008

Don't feel like sleeping

Restless. I want to do something, but it's way to late. I want to make something. Like a tree house. Maybe tomorrow. I just have to find a tree..

Im listening to Morrissey , wich reminds me of my dad ( I know, should a' probably been listening to this before, but I am now, and it's lovely ). Im thinking.. How lucky are'nt we? Man, we're blessed.

Gaaag, imma' hit my banged up mattress, wich im thinking rite now, isn't all that bad..

Btw, if you want to see more picture's from my birthday, click THIS.
Sweet dreams,

Yearning for..

So long, honey baby
Where I'm bound, I can't tell
But goodbye's too good a word, babe
So I'll just say fare thee well
I ain't sayin' you treated me unkind
You could have done better but I don't mind
You just kinda wasted my precious time
But don't think twice, it's all right


tirsdag 17. juni 2008

counting crows.

1. Everybody's gotta learn sometime
2. You did'nt call, you're dead to me
3. I don't wanna fall in love, but if you push me, whatever.

I need to sit down. And shut up.
Do what I'm told..but it's easier said than done. Why is it so hard being responsible? Why is being an adult such a headache? I can spout off facts and figures, recall forgotten dates in history but i can't balance a checkbook.

I can quote E.e. Cummings and Meshell lyrics in one hilarious breath.

Who want's to wax idiotic on ethos? No? Fine, we can talk about fashion, then.

I can bake up a debate on politics (no not really) and chocolate cupcakes in an hour.

I'm a strange type of creature. Old and young all at once. All together now: It's not important!!

I want to be calm. content. sit serenly and watch the sea recede into a pool of burnished glass.

Sit down, chris.

mandag 16. juni 2008


Remember when we used to walk around un-known parts of town in the middle of the night, getting lost intentionally, smoking cigarettes and drinking hot chocolate from plastic cups bought at the 7/11 across the street from our appartment, only to try and find our way back home again?


Ergo! me+you

how do you want me?
face down in the dirt
where i'll choke on reasons
why i love you
each one clinging on my lips
not wanting to be admitted
perhaps my back to the wet grass
you standing over me
the sun peering over your shoulder
only partly eclipsed
i'll squint as i try to memorize your shape
against the bullying sky
and you'll trace my shape with twigs
leaving my outline on the ground
when you pick me up
sling me over your shoulder
take me home
and love me


søndag 15. juni 2008

Still a kid

Okay.. My birthday, as you all know, was yesterday, and we celebrated HELLA. Thank you's to everyone for surprising me, and making my day fantastic! =) i love you all so much, thanks.

I have a lot of pictures from the bash, wich i will be posting soon, (just gotta sort them all out) but in the meantime, here's a little recap from the party at home, to the party at RÅ, and then home again.. Enjoy fuckers, i know you will =)

love, kisses, hugs, pecks, pokes, slaps, thank you's and more love. (nothing's too redunant at this point.. THANK*s!! i know u guys love me, sorry for bitching earlier, haha)