tirsdag 17. juni 2008

counting crows.

1. Everybody's gotta learn sometime
2. You did'nt call, you're dead to me
3. I don't wanna fall in love, but if you push me, whatever.

I need to sit down. And shut up.
Do what I'm told..but it's easier said than done. Why is it so hard being responsible? Why is being an adult such a headache? I can spout off facts and figures, recall forgotten dates in history but i can't balance a checkbook.

I can quote E.e. Cummings and Meshell lyrics in one hilarious breath.

Who want's to wax idiotic on ethos? No? Fine, we can talk about fashion, then.

I can bake up a debate on politics (no not really) and chocolate cupcakes in an hour.

I'm a strange type of creature. Old and young all at once. All together now: It's not important!!

I want to be calm. content. sit serenly and watch the sea recede into a pool of burnished glass.

Sit down, chris.

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