onsdag 28. mai 2008

No one belongs here more than you

So I am in love.
Ok, not really.
But lovely freaked out by relateableness. (if that is even a word?)

"No one belongs here more than you", by Miranda July is one of the most resplendent collections of short stories i've ever read. My sister Ags, (whom i btw share this perfect blog with) Yes.. I just used the word "whom", I'm a sticker for grammar. Anyway, she gave me this for my birthday. I can not even begin to explain how amazed I am for how well she knows me. Nobody really knows me, and for her to have given me this book that is ridiculously, randomly, unexplanably like myself, is simply amazing.
So back to the book.

July's stories startle me at every turn, sometimes by their sexual frankness, sometimes by passages of impossibly lush eloquence and very often by their sheer inventiveness. There's a whimsical, dreamlike quality to her writing. She has an understanding of human truths and an extraordinary honesty about our wish for acceptance. Miranda July's is a beautiful, odd, original voice - seductive, sometimes erotic and a little creepy too. Who will her work appeal to? To borrow the name of her lovely first film, "Me and You and Everyone We Know".

Here's a part from my favourite shorty so far, "The shared patio".

Vincent has a wife named Helena. She is Greek with blonde hair. It's dyed. I was going to be polite and not mention that is was dyed, but I really don't think she cares if anyone knows. In fact, I think she is going for the dyed look, with the roots showing. What if she and I were close friends. What if I borrowed her clothes and she said, that looks better on you, you shoulk keep it. What if she called me in tears, and I had to come over and soothe her in the kitchen, and Vincent tried to come into the kitchen and we said, Stay out, this is girl talk! I saw something like that happen on TV; these two women were talking about some stolen underwear and a man came in and they said, Stay out, this is girl talk! One reason Helena and I would never be close friends is that I am about half as tall as she. People tend to stick to their own size group because it's easier on the neck. Unless they are romantically involved, in which case the size difference is sexy. It means: I am willing to go the distance for you.

There are tonns of more paragraphs i would like to share, but I'll save them for a rainy day.

Well, it's 9pm and the sun is still hott hott hott, so I am off to the harbour for some wine with a girlfriend. I just managed to get a papercut on my left hand knuckles, and it stings pretty bad. But patch it up and off i ride my bike.


American girl in Italy

When i was little my mom and dad always brought me along to visit their friends, a german couple. I remember finding it so boring there, because they didn't have any kids of their own i could play with. Of course, things that are boring, you tend to forget pretty fast. So naturally, i couldn't remember much from the days at their house. Untill a couple of days ago when i came across this picture. I haven't seen this since i was ten, but it made me remember! The german couple had this on the wall, and i can remember how fantastic i thought it was.. so yea.. wonderful.

Wonder what she's thinking..

Ruth Orkin,
American girl in Italy, 1951

tirsdag 27. mai 2008

The end is in my bed

This has been a long day. Sleep soon. Before that, im going to thank the spirits for all the things i've ever received and for how lucky I really am. The world's not too of a shabby place to be stuck on..

I miss my sister. Come back.

Nite' Nite

Underneath my mini, I'm ready for a quickie!

If anybody out there loves us, please package these hott motherfuckers straight to our house!

Now, thanks.

We can not do all these summer festivals without them! We simply can't! We'll die, don't you understand that?! It's shittfucked.

Feel free to email us for further details on where to purchase these baby's.
(we could buy them ourselves, but Chris and Ags loves presents!)


mandag 26. mai 2008

Who's that girl? Eve's that girl!


Cakesbitch's dearest and HaloHalo's very own Eve is turning one year older today! Hurray! You are all that and a bag of hershey's kisses mama!

'you're just so kiss-a-licious
and now our every wish is
to kiss you from head to toe now
wrap you up to go now
kiss-a-licious brown eyed girl'

We fuckin' love you to the bone!!
you BOMB!

Smack'dem cakes love from chris'n ags!


Chris is actually very good with languages. She learns'em quick and she always has the right accent while speaking. Im kinda jealous, but i think i found my secret weapon. I've always wanted to learn french.. Now i don't have to anymore! I found a site that transelates for me, HAHAAA! I have it all now! World domination next. Try figuring out what it says. The winner gets a date with my sister! hahahhahahah, im so funny! ..seriously i am.. Word to yo motha'!

Je suis vraiment si fier de ce blog. Et je manque ma soeur. Si vous pouvez lire ceci, puis votre drôle ! Profitez d'un agréable moment avec lui !



Hmm. Again i have to say that i get really mesmerised reading about people that have strange hobbies. This guy is no exeption..

Okay, so this dude has a blog, and if you send a picture with your face on it, he'll draw it. Still dont get it? click this!

I wanna' be strange tooo!


This is really funny. I get amased at what people do with their time. I wish i had the patience to do this all day, everyday. Preferably in the sun with some good friends, the smell of some barbeque in the air and some good tunes playing in the background. I think i found my new hobby!

Check this site for more rubik artworks.


Aren't you glad?

It's almost been a month since we started this blog, and mayn' what fun we've had allready! Hope we've made you laugh bitches!

//Chris & Ags

In the mix.

There is something we want you to check out. In case you guys didn't know, Chris and Ags at Cakesbitch, are a part of TheHaloHalo. What's TheHaloHalo, you ask yourself? Well.. For answers to this difficult question, (that really no one in thehalohalo group can answer on their own, haha) check it out, here!

Style this!

So, Ags got the honour of styling a photoshoot for Norway's #1 hip hop magazine, Kingsize. Be sure to check the issue when it comes out in the middle of June!

For some behind the scenes pictures, check out the new blog of our friend Eily! (Ags' roommate) Her blog's name is Eily.coffee.cigarettes, wich surpsisingly suits the little retard. We can expect a lot of good ish from her, once she gets the blog-thing up'n'running! YEAI! Hey! Blog! lets go!

Picture: Cakesbitch's own Chris'n'Ags with the notorious Eily. Check her new blog!

The idea of waiting for something, makes it more exciting.

Come August, Chris and Ags will be flying to London. Come August, they'll be drunk at the 'get loaded in the park' festival. Come August, they'll be meeting the frenchies! (<3) Come august, Chris will be standing on speakers corner and reading poems for the londoners. Come August, Ags will get a hella big tattoo on her finger.. (hahahah) Come August, they will marching down nothing hill with a fckin' whistle in their mouths screaming; ahhhhhhhhh, ahhhahah

9 days. Two girls. London.
BRB! We just bodyslammin' a motherfucker!

This little dude..

Okay. So we know that on cakesbitch there's been a couple of posts on kids.. But they're just so frikn cute, and we never get sick of them. Live with it and laugh. Sheesh.. why you trippin?

Your individual style is conforming and your hairextentions look awfull!

"Eh" I do believe currently that that simple apathetic statement could sum up my attitude at the moment.

søndag 25. mai 2008

Girls just wanna' have fun.

Due to an exam in Oslo, my beloved Chris is coming! hahha! We're finally gonna' be together again, hopefully doing some damage.. We didn't bodyslam that motherfucker good enough last time.. we'll keep u posted. Sweet dreams <3 Ags

Talk is cheap

Are you talking to yourself, or just pretending I'm listening?

lørdag 24. mai 2008

Timeout! (Ivah&Tiga)

Timeout is out with their first, first real video! Yeaaai! look at our man Steinar a.k.a Tiga, lookin' soo fly! Good luck guys!

fredag 23. mai 2008

don't let the bedbugs bite you..

It's been a good day. Ags got a new haircut and chris got a new money-tree, hahah! Good nite, good nite where ever you are.


Take me anywhere,
i'll be as light as you want me to be.
I'm overdue for magnificence.

Michael Wolf - Hong Kong

That special dude.

I want to meet a nice guy. A guy that could take me out for a drive on the English countryside, like Rupert Grint in driving lessons.. A guy that would fly me and my girlfriends for croissants in Paris. A guy that kisses slowly but with a firm touch. A guy that could make me tapas in the middle of the night, if i got the cravings. I wish he could take me to NYC and show me all sorts of wonderful things. Basically.. A guy that buys me Vogue every month, cause he knows i love it..

I wish i could meet a guy tht could help me with stuff. Like changing the flat wheel on my bike, learn me spanish or just lite my cigarette when im nervous. Basically.. A guy that could learn me how to use my camera..

I want to meet a guy that is confident but not cocky. A guy with kind eyes and that drives a motorcycle. He has to be nice to my parents and sweet with my friends. A guy that speaks french and has that mad swag. A guy that could watch sex and the city with me in the mornings when i'm off from work. I wish i had a guy that looked at me in that special way when i'm drunk and have fun with my friends. Basically.. A guy that takes of my heels when im too drunk after a long night, and carries me home..

If you know this guy.. Hook me up. I want 'Dinner and a movie' by Cool Calm Pete.

A new pair!

My sister got some new shoes, and i'm kinda' jealous.. payday soon.. life is hard.

torsdag 22. mai 2008


"I am at a party at the Dakota, a gothic mountain of a building on Central Park West. Everybody is here, trying to get hip, trying to get high. Andy Warhol is here in his silver cocoon of aphasia and passivity. The ususal drone of coctail party chatter, "eight days a week" playing soflty in the background. Suddenly, a strange girl in black tights, striped t-shirt and giant earrings enters the room. With her odd birdlike gait, she twirls into the very center of the room and remains there, simply... twirling. Edie."

I got this, amongst 4 other books from Ags for my birthday this month and I am simply in love with it. I am in love with HER. Her and every inch of her tragic yet highly intriguing story. It is'nt simply that she is "a beauty", she radiates. I never want it to end.

I wish i lived in the mid 60's. I'd run around in black leotards, huge fur coats, shoddy eye make-up, heavy jewellery with a constant cigarette between my fingers, kicking it with Andy Warhol and Bob Dylan and being photographed by Nat Finkelstein.
(I would probly also be a luxury-junkie and ball half the dudes in town for a snort whenever i ran short.) But that's a whole other story.



So we bomb!

onsdag 21. mai 2008

..the first of a million kisses

I wonder if it is possible to have a love affair that lasts forever?


fredag 16. mai 2008

torsdag 15. mai 2008

Can't sleep?

nite nite world.


tirsdag 13. mai 2008

Excuze me while i check out your style!

when you pick me up
sling me over your shoulder
take me home
and love me



When Chris and me eventually decide to adopt, i hope we get a little dude like this! It just seems that he lives life to the fullest. So enthusiastic this kid.. ahh..

We're gonna' name him.. Richard.. (haaar haar!)

lørdag 10. mai 2008

Royal de luxe

Royal de luxe is a French street theater company that started out in 1979. They have travelled around Europe and staged street show's using huge marionette's, wich takes a busload of people to mobilise. Well we wanna join couse it looks so fun! These pictures tells the story about "The sultan's elephant".

Please youtube 'royal de luxe'! Afterwords your going to be thinking of all the beautiful things in the world.. Gee.. What people can do.. <3

Rachel frikkn Bilson!

She's so pretty you just want to slap her. Not only is she dating fuckin Anakin Skywalker, but now she's gone and made a deal with DKNY. She's the campagne model for the newest DKNY jeans line called Edie Rose. But it doesnt stop there, couse she just went and designed it too. Way'ta'go Rachel! fuck you..

Naaaw, just playing guys. Rachel's cool, she's actually so cool she can hang with us. HAHA

The first collection of Edie Rose comes out in the fall, and it's said that the pieces' not going to be that expensive. Yeai for the working class peeps! we can still be poor AND look good. Cheers!

Can i just be so frank..

This is written by someone i really like. I have hopes and dreams for this person, and the weirdest part is that everything she writes, I can relate to.. Shit is just so random.. Hope u get published some day honey, no one would deserve it more than you. -Ags. (Don't hate me for posting this.)

..this perticular morning

this morning I woke up still tipsy from last night.
this morning i forgot to wash my face.
this morning, i stumbled out of my bed and to work while it was still night.
this morning i waited for the sun to rise with a cigarette jammed between my lips. smoke mixed and flirted with the fog untill i could'nt separate nature from habit.
this morning i noticed that at that moment before dawn, even though the sky is dark, it does'nt quite feel the same as night.
maybe it's the way birds can't yet see, but they still sing.
this morning i passed a stripper getting off work. her back was bent, her head down as she ran her acrylic fingers through a stash of last nights earnings. (okay, not really)
this morning i got attacked by 8 lesbians. (okay, not really again)
this morning i finally figured out what the sun is all about.


i wanna go somewhere with someone.
i don't know where, and i don't know with whom.

photo fashion sexy

It's to hot outside so im in my kitchen chainsmoking cigarettes whilest checking out some blogs. Since we at cakesbitch love photography and fashion, it was only natural that we fell head over heels for this site, check it out here.