lørdag 6. september 2008

I've been thINKin' bout you.

For quite some time now Ags and I have been talking about getting tattoo's together. No, not matching homo bestfriends for'eva'eva symbolic ones. Simply doing it together. I like the thought of that. just you&me kinda.
No homo. iloveyouAgs. hah, nevermind.

Anyway, last night as i were to fall asleep i could'nt stop thinkin' about the ink making it's pleasant way to my even more pleasant body. (haha, oh shut up im funny!) The thing is, im scared shittfucked to get one. The pain! I would die. I WILL die. Gaah! So yea, this, mixed with ambivalence on what to actually get tattoed and where to get it, sent my mind of drifting. Whilest drifting, i found myself simoultaneously pinching (harrd as a motherfucker) different parts of my body trying to find out which spot would hurt the least. Well since I ain't gettin' one on my cakes, i figured the pain would be even Steven anyways. So i fell asleep, as clueless about the tattoo thing as i was before i started the mind rambling. Nonetheless, i had gained many tiny pinchmarks on my lower wrist, upper wrist, the side of my neck, outer ankle, underarm, top of my foot, finger, the back of my leg and a spot somewhere in the center of my back which i can't really reach but i somehow imagine a tattoo would look magnifique.

So for now, i guess im back with Ags, on the endless path towards that INKling feeling of toughness! Rawr.

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