lørdag 3. mai 2008

Taken by the boarder patrol?!

Sooo we've been waiting at the airport for three days now whilst living on crackers and coffee. All we have to entertain ourselves with is this shitty laptop, that is running looow on battery. But don't worry guys, our hero is Tom Hanks and our all time favourite movie is 'The terminal'.
We'll wait.

And while doing that, we recommend the rest of you to nibble on some of the best skating around. Cred should be given to Aki Turner for wicked filming and editing. And Ricky Webb of course for beating the shit outta that board. www.myspace.com/tketht

TKE THT eurollin' comming soon!

Hopefully.. (cus these crackers are some dry bitches.)

Juan, two, three love!

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